Ant Prevention Guide For Pensacola Homes

carpenter ant crawling on wood

To formulate a strong pest prevention plan, you’ll have to find out how and why they’re surrounding your Pensacola home. Understanding this isn’t as easy as you might think. This is especially true when the intruding critter is small, like an ant. Ants are assumed to be innocent, but they are a significant problem. They have germs on their skin; humans can become ill. On top of that, a few species can damage property.

So you can calculate the risks with local ants, it’s essential you learn what you can about them. You’ll have the knowledge to prepare for deterrence. Start reading this guide to get all the necessary details, including how EnSec can assist with an effective pest control plan. 

What Ants Are in Pensacola? What Are The Dangers?

Pharaoh, fire, and carpenter ants are some of the dominant species in the region. Pharaoh ants are about 0.12 of an inch long. Black and red marks decorate the abdomens of these yellow-brown bugs. Focused on attaining continual shelter, food, and water, you’re sure to see them in meal packages, pantries, and on pipe chases. They can be anywhere, however. Sightings of their amber-colored workers are a clue to an infestation. 

Fire ants range in size a bit, from 0.06 to 0.20 of an inch long. Black stingers cap their reddish-brown bodies. These critters prefer the outdoors because they rely on sunlight and warmth to survive. When they’re most active, they will wreck landscaping, plants, and grass sod. It’s hard to miss them because they’ll leave mounds in soil and dirt. You have to do all you can to keep fire ants out due to the ferocity of their bites. Burning sensations, skin inflammation, and allergic reactions are typical symptoms. Red and itchy bumps that become scars are too. Nausea and sweating necessitate medical attention. 

Carpenter ants are bigger than what you’d normally experience with ants. The pests are 0.25 to 0.50 of an inch long. Most are black, but plenty are reddish-black tan, red, brown, yellow, or orange. Swarmers in the colony, which are responsible for reproduction, have wings. This subtype is particularly harmful because they construct nests and tunnels in wood. They often attack trees, logs, and lumber. Foundations in domiciles fall victim to carpenter ants and may tumble. Spotting swarmers, discovering wood shavings, having hollow walls, or hearing rustling from behind structures verifies an infestation. 

How Can You Prevent Pensacola Ants?

One of the reasons why ants are tough to conquer is that they can get past small cracks. Another issue is how fast they multiply. These two factors are enough to stay diligent with preventative methods. After an invasion has begun, they are nearly impossible to control. Do the following: 

  • Patch up holes in foundations, doors, windows, utilities, and wires. You can try using caulk.  
  • Have moisture dysfunctions repaired right away.
  • See to it that window screens and door sweeps are intact.
  • Intricately clean the kitchen on a routine basis: wash dishes, countertops, cabinets, and appliance and furniture perimeters.
  • Take out the trash and vacuum the rugs regularly.  
  • Put food and garbage in airtight containers.
  • Get up a meal mess promptly.
  • Distance greenery and wood from the property by two feet.
  • Never allow loose wood, like carpentry panels, to touch the soil. 

What Can EnSec Do About Pensacola Ants?

While not every ant is ruinous, all can threaten your health. Retail insecticides will kill single bugs but not reach an infestation. Further, shelf goods can be noxious. We at EnSec have safe interior and exterior solutions. Our Fire Ant Program involves one-time soil-bonding treatments and baits, where you’ll see results for up to a year. A free estimate awaits you when you call today!