Tips And Tricks To Prevent Ticks In Mobile

dog tick jumping off a plant

Ticks are oval-shaped external pests that require a host to survive. These tiny arachnids can affect both people and pets with the dangerous diseases they can spread to a host. These diseases include tularemia, ehrlichiosis, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, babesiosis, anaplasmosis, rash, and Lyme disease, which can become chronic and lifelong. Tick saliva can also cause allergies for some people.

While different tick species are responsible for certain illnesses, you should avoid all of them. The most common species in Mobile are:

  • Lone Star Tick: The females are usually 1/6th to 1/4th and can grow up to ½ an inch after taking a meal, with males being slightly smaller. They are a reddish-brown color but turn gray once they have eaten.
  • American Dog Tick: It ranges between 3/16th to 5/9th of an inch and is brown with light gray markings.
  • Deer Tick: Is about 18th of an inch long with orange-brown coloring and dark legs. They are also known as deer ticks.

Don’t underestimate the dangers of these small pests in Mobile. Many times the only thing that can stop a tick from spreading diseases to people is catching it early and removing it properly. Below you can learn where ticks hang out and how to prevent them.

Where Do Ticks Live

Some pests thrive when they get inside a home, but ticks are not one of these pests. Ticks don’t do well inside because they can’t breed without most soil. This is also why ticks are commonly found in shaded grass and foliage areas. Places that are tick hotspots can include:

  • Tall grasses along fences, roadways, and walkways
  • Edges of wooded walking paths
  • In the grasses nest to ponds

Ticks are wingless and, unlike fleas, are not power jumpers. The most common way for a tick to get on a person or animal is by it waiting in tall grass or foliage for a host to brush up against them.

How To Keep Ticks Out Of Your Yard

You can do several things on your property and outside in nature to protect yourself and your pets from ticks.

Yard Care:

  • Keep your lawn cut short.
  • Remove excess foliage and cut it back from the perimeter of your property.
  • Use a 3-foot wide barrier of gravel or crushed rocks between your yard and any surrounding wood areas.
  • Remove any yard debris.

Personal And Pet Protection:

  • Make sure you discuss tick preventatives for your pets with their veterinarian.
  • Wear long sleeves and tuck your pants into your socks when on wooded trails or tall grass and stay on the center of walking trails.
  • Inspect your pets, kids, and yourself before going back inside.
  • Vacuum regularly, especially around pet beds or wherever they hang out most.

These preventative measures are great for ensuring you don’t bring this pest inside with you, but if you have them actively living in your yard, you may need to consider expert pest control.

Who To Call For Help With Ticks

Need more advice or assistance with ticks in Mobile? Contact the professionals at EnSec of Alabama. While you might not think of ticks like other pests such as rodents, mosquitoes, or bed bugs, they can live in your yard in large populations, putting your family and pets at risk of the many diseases they can spread. This is why you shouldn’t underestimate the usefulness of professional pest control when it comes to ticks. 

Give us a call at EnSec of Alabama to learn more about how we can assist you with ticks or other pests you might be dealing with in Mobile.