Stay Ahead Of A Potential Termite Infestation In Mobile

Subterranean termites on wood

Termites are “ant-like” pests that create billions of dollars in property damage each year throughout the country by consuming wood. Are you wondering why do termites eat wood? Termites eat wooden structures because they contain cellulose. In nature, termites can benefit the environment by assisting with the decomposition of fallen trees, branches, and similar materials, which allows nutrients to flow back into the soil.

The primary category of termites that exist in this region is subterranean, meaning that they create underground nests. Within the subterranean classification are native subterranean termites, eastern subterranean termites, and Formosan termites. Termites usually create tunnels or “mud tubes” that allow access back and forth between the nest and sources of wood located above the ground.

Property owners in need of effective pest control In Mobile should consult with a properly trained and equipped pest control professional that will fully eliminate these infestations. 

What Do Termites Look Like?

A termite’s body generally ranges from between 1/8 of an inch to 1 inch and may appear in various colors. Worker termites often appear similar to termites that are still developing in the larval stage, with a softer body exterior that usually is white or tan.

Soldiers are responsible for defending the nest from threats and have an appearance that resembles the workers; however, they have larger, darker-colored heads and a more durable exterior. Reproductives (alates) have a body that appears in yellow, brown, and black shades. Alates have two sets of wings that allow for flight, which they later will shed.

Alates are commonly mistaken for flying ants; however, some features distinguish two. For example, termites have straight antennae instead of the “bent” antennae that ants have. The wings of a termite are all the same length, unlike flying ants whose wings are varying lengths.

In many cases, property owners will notice groups of winged termites gathering in “swarms” as an initial phase of their mating process. When do termites swarm? The majority of termites will swarm during the early spring months and soon begin forming new colonies, which they typically position in a nearby location.

What Is The Best Way To Identify Termite Damage?

Some of the signs that suggest termite damage include:

  • Walls might appear to have water damage or be otherwise warped, and ceilings may visibly begin to “bow.”
  • Doors and windows often progressively become more difficult to open or close.
  • Floors may be very “creaky” when walked on.
  • Patterned “mud tubes” are often visible that extend upward from the soil.

Those who suspect a termite problem should promptly contact a pest control professional that will conduct an inspection.

Is There A Way To Prevent Termites For Good?

What is the best termite treatment for preventing infestations? There is no single best preventative measure to choose for termites; rather, property owners should adopt a more comprehensive strategy.

Keep in mind that termites usually prefer targeting wood that has been water damaged or otherwise compromised; therefore, any such wooden parts of the structure must be promptly repaired or replaced. Also, ensure that basements and crawlspaces have sufficient ventilation to limit excessive moisture and humidity and consider using dehumidifiers when needed.

Subterranean termites create underground nests and navigate their way through the soil in search of wood sources. Homeowners must ensure that the soil near the base of the structure has no direct contact with wooden parts of the home. Consider adding a physical barrier composed of an inorganic material such as stone or plastic that will limit intrusion.

Professional Termite Control In Mobile

The qualified experts with EnSec of Alabama have many years of experience eliminating termites from properties in this region. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.