Storms reveal termite infestation of trees in Pensacola Florida

Termites sheltered in trees can spread to your home

Storms are a common occurrence across the gulf coast of Florida and Alabama. Cities like Mobile and Pensacola take pride in the appeal of our tree canopy, especially heritage trees like our oaks, giving many streets a picturesque appeal. This combination of heavy tree cover and storms has a connection to our termite problems in the area. Many of the trees harbor an invasive species of termite called the Formosan Termite.

Termite infestation in Pensacola tree

The species of non-native termite is living in our tree canopy in relative safety from termite control methods and allowed to flourish into mature colonies. Mature infestations swarm new king and queen termites to form new colonies spreading to properties and homes. Many of us that live along the gulf coast are highly familiar with the Formosan termite swarms commonly around mid May. The swarming activity can continue in June and July depending on circumstances for the colony. Keep an eye on the trees around your property. If you see any termite activity or even visible damage to these trees, call the pest control professionals at EnSec to inspect your property immediately. 877-97ENSEC. 

Formosan termite carton nest in Pensacola Oak tree
