Help! There Are So Many Ticks Around My Pensacola Home

tick crawling on hair

Ticks are a troublesome pest with eight legs that exist in roughly 15 various species throughout North America. Often mistakenly characterized as insects, ticks are a type of arachnid, a category that also contains spiders and scorpions. Ticks feed exclusively on blood derived from warm-blooded creatures, which often includes household pets, including dogs and cats.

People might encounter ticks and fleas in outdoor environments such as when hiking, camping, participating in athletics, or performing yard work. Among the most common species found in Florida are the American dog tick, brown dog tick, Gulf Coast tick, lone star tick, and the deer tick (Ixodes scapularis), also called the black-legged. The black-legged (deer) tick is the species that most likely carry Lyme disease.

Ticks use a special mouthpart for piercing the skin of animals and humans, allowing for blood consumption. Known for targeting pets, ticks can feed on a cat or dog and remain somewhat hidden within the fur.  

In many cases, ticks travel into yard areas in residential settings on the bodies of various types of rodents or deer. Once in a yard, a tick may crawl or hop on a passing person or a pet. Ticks progress through several phases before reaching adulthood and require blood for survival in each.

Are you experiencing a potential infestation by harmful ticks? An experienced Pensacola pest control professional will assess the problem and accurately determine the extent of the intrusion. Further, a tick control company in Pensacola knows how to keep ticks away and prevent any potential future infestations.

What Does A Tick In Pensacola Look Like?

In the larvae phase, ticks are very minute—comparable to a grain of sand. As adults, ticks are roughly the same size as an apple seed or eraser attached to a pencil. A tick's body is somewhat flat and oval and lacks wings.

What color are ticks? Being small creatures, often, ticks are difficult to see clearly with the naked eye. Ticks commonly appear in shades of white, grey, brown, and black.

As carriers of disease, doctors often encourage individuals to recognize the signs and symptoms commonly resulting from a tick bite. Expect to notice redness and irritated skin and symptoms that may include pain or stiffness in the joints or muscles, fever, or feelings of exhaustion.

The Diseases That Ticks Are Able To Transmit

Ticks in Pensacola may spread pathogens as they consume blood from human and animal hosts. Some of the most common concerns include Lyme disease, tularemia, Southern Tick-Associated Rash Illness (STARI), and other dangerous problems.

Can dogs get sick from ticks? Yes. Humans and canines face health risks associated with tick-borne disease.

Deterring The Ticks In Pensacola

Those with pets or people that routinely participate in outdoor activity should remain aware of ticks. Some of the most effective ways to deter or prevent ticks include:

  • Pets should remain on a year-round flea and tick prevention plan as instructed by a veterinarian. 
  • In yard areas, keep lawns, shrubs, and other types of vegetation trimmed, which may serve as hiding spots for ticks 
  • Remove objects that will attract rodents and wildlife, such as bird feeders and pet food bowls.
  • Place all trash in durable, sealed garbage receptacles. 
  • Consider installing a fence or other barrier around the property to reduce the amount of passing wildlife.

Remember the importance of regularly vacuuming rugs, carpets, and other similar materials. Wash pet bedding often and brush and bathe pets frequently.

The Best Way To Permanently Remove Ticks From My Property

Did you know that the experts with EnSec Pest & Lawn remain committed to operating in a manner that protects humans, pets, and the local ecosystem? Ticks in Pensacola and similar pests may pose health risks; therefore, we encourage you to contact our office today regarding a property inspection.